Judge Warren Davis, a Georgia County Superior Court judge, visits the show to discuss how he views narcissistic co-parents and the tactics he uses to sanction them when their controlling behavior is out of control. Diane & Rick share a listener’s email with the judge to get his insights from the bench.
For more information about the High Conflict Institute discussed on the show, visit https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/
Information regarding the book, The Narcissistic Parent: A Guidebook for Legal Professionals Working with Families in High-Conflict (Dr. C. A. Childress) can be found HERE.
Visit the Center for Navigating Family Change to learn more about the Advanced Issues in Co-Parenting online workshop to help co-parents work through their issues with a narcissistic co-parent.
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Ever wonder if a judge really cares about your co-parent's toxic behavior?